Rabu, 20 November 2013

Genre of texts

I. Bentuk Teks.

A.   Recount Text
       Recount text adalah laporan kejadian, peristiwa atau kegiatan yang terjadi di masa  
       lampau dengan tujuan untuk menghibur (to entertain) atau menginformasikan (to

       Struktur (generic structure) dari recount text yaitu:
   §  Orientation (pengenalan pelaku/who, waktu terjadi/when, dan tempat/where)
   §  Events (urutan peristiwa)
   §  Re-orientation (kesimpulan text/happy ending atau sad ending)

       Ciri-ciri bahasa yang digunakan yaitu:
   §  Berfokus pada individual yang bercerita (I atau We)
   §  Menggunakan bentuk simple past (V2,was,were)
   §  Sering digunakan kata sambung when, while, then, after, before

       Contoh recount text


Dear Kevin,
I left Jakarta at 11 p.m last night and I have arrived at Suvarna Bhumi airtport at 2 a.m this morning.Before leaving ,I have tried to call you on your cell phone but it did not work.Please,send a person to fetch me,as you have promised,or give me the detail of how to reach the hotel. Could you do that as soon as possible because it’s freezing here and I am so tired.


            1.      What is the purpose of the text?
                  A.    To ask someone to do something
                  B.     To give information
                  C.     To give permission
                  D.    To  inform 

            2.      Please,send me a person to fetch me.”  The word ‘fetch’ has the same meaning with
                   the word......
                  A.    Take out
                  B.     Pick up
                  C.     Pick out
                  D.    Give up

     B.   Descriptive text
            Descriptive text adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan secara rinci
            (to describe) tentang orang, tempat, benda atau binatang.

           Struktur (generic structure) dari teks descriptive yaitu:
    §  Identification (pengenalan terhadap sesuatu yang akan digambarkan)
    §  Description (penjelasan secara rinci mengenai bagian-bagian, kualitas, ukuran
            atau kondisi fisik dari sesuatu yang dibicarakan.  

           Ciri-ciri bahasa yang digunakan yaitu:
    §  Fokus pada tokoh atau benda khusus
    §  Menggunakan simple present (V1, is, am, are)
    §  Menggunakan kata sifat untuk menjelaskan orang, tempat, benda atau binatang tsb.

          Contoh descriptive text

Lovely Puppies

My dog, Rover, gave birth to four puppies five months ago. The first is Robin. He is a big male. His hair is brown with black markings. I put a black ribbon on his neck. The second is a male too. I named him Oscar. He has brown hair with white markings. He has a white ribbon around his neck. The two other puppies are brown haired with no markings. They are female. They are Ruby and Opal. Ruby has a red ribbon on her neck, while Opal has a pink ribbon. Even though they are not quite the same, they are all so cute. I love them all.

                  3.   What does the writer want with the text?
                        A.    To give information about his/her puppies.
                        B.    To retell about the birth of his/her puppies.
                        C.    To show how to take care his /her puppies.
                        D.    To promote his/her puppies.

           4.    How old are the puppies?
                        A.    One month.                          
                        B.    Five months.
                        C.    Six months.                          
                        D.    One year.

                 C. Narrative Text
                 Narrative text adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk menghibur (to entertain) pembaca
                 (the reader) dengan cerita yang berkaitan dengan pengalaman nyata, khayalan atau  
                 peristiwa yang mengarah ke klimaks dan juga penyelesaian dari cerita tsb.

                 Struktur (generic structure) dari teks narrative yaitu:
    §  Orientation (pengenalan tokoh)
    §  Complication (penjelasan mengenai konflik/masalah)
    §  Resolution (penyelesaian konflik/masalah)

                 Ciri-ciri bahasa yang digunakan yaitu:
    §  Fokus pada tokoh atau benda khusus
    §  Menggunakan simple past (V2)

                Contoh teks narrative

      Once upon a time, there was a prince named Bondowoso. He was famous for his powerful weapon, called Bandung. Therefore, Bondowoso was called Bandung Bondowoso. He fell in love with a beautiful princess, Rorojonggrang. He wanted to marry her but she was not interested in him. Rorojonggrang was afraid to refuse his proposal because Bandung Bondowoso would destroy his kingdom.
     To make things difficult, Rorojonggrang gave some requirements. She asked him to build one thousand temples within one night. Bandung had to  finish them before sunrise. Without doubt of his success, he accepted it.
With the help of genies and spirits, Bandung Bondowoao almost built one thousand temples. At four o’clock in the morning, he had only five more temples to build, Rorojonggrang got panic.
     Suddenly, Rorojonggrang had an idea. She called the women in her kingdom and asked her to pound rice. She also asked the men to burn a lot of wood at the east side of the kingdom. Hearing the sound of the pounding and seeing the bright sky, the genies and spirits were afraid. They ran away with only one more temple to complete.
     Bandung bondowoso was extremely angry when he found out what Rorojonggrang had done to him. He cursed Rorojongrang and turned her into a statue.

             5.   Why did Rorojonggrang accept Bandung Bondowoso’s proposal?
                   A.  She fell in love with Bandung Bondowoso.
                   B.  She was adore with Bandung Bondowoso’s strength.
                   C.  She fell fear if Bandung would destroy her kingdom.
                   D.  She was interested with Bandung Bondowoso’s requirement.

             6.    They ran away with only one more temple to complete” (paragraph 3)
                    The word they”refers to ....
                    A.  The women                                              
                    B.  The statues
                    C.  The gennies                                              
                    D.  Roro Jonggrang and…

             D. Procedure Text
                  Procedure text adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk memberi petunjuk tentang cara 
                  mengerjakan atau membuat sesuatu melalui serangkaian tindakan atau langkah.

                  Struktur (generic structure) dari procedure text yaitu:
     §  Goal /Aim (tujuan teks tersebut biasanya berbentuk judul)
     §  Materials (bahan-bahan atau alat yang dibutuhkan)
     §  Steps (langkah-langkah/cara pelaksanaan)

                  Ciri-ciri bahasa yang digunakan yaitu:
     §  Menggunakan imperative verb (kata kerja perintah)
     §  Menggunakan kata sambung first, then, after that, next, finally.

                  Contoh procedure text

How  to Make Avocado Juice
You will need:
       a.       1 avocado (ripe)
       b.      500 ml cold milk
       c.       250 ml cold water
       d.      150 grams sugar
       e.       3-5 drops vanila essence
       A.    Peel the avocado and remove seed.
       B.     Put the pulp of the avocado along with the sugar in a blender and blend well.
       C.     Add the milk,water and vanilla essence and blend for  1 minute
       D.    Garnish and serve chilled

                7.  How much sugar do you need if you want to make two glasses of avocado juice?
                     A.    150 gram
                     B.     250 gram
                     C.     300 gram
                     D.    350 gram

               8.  What do you do before you pour the liquid?
                    A.    Peel the avocado and remove the seed
                    B.     Put the pulp of the avocado along with the sugar in a blender and blend well
                    C.     Add the milk, water  and vanilla essence and blend for a minute
                    D.    Garnish and serve chilled

            E. Report text
                Report text adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu
                apa adanya sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis dan analisis. Topik yang dibicarakan
                biasanya berupa gejala alam, benda buatan manusia atau gejala sosial.

                Struktur (generic structure) dari report text  yaitu:
     §  General classification (klasifikasi tentang sesuatu yang kan dijelaskan secara umum.
     §  Description (penjelasan mengenai bagian-bagian, kualitas maupun kebiasaan
                       atau perilaku sesuatu yang dibicarakan)

                Ciri-ciri bahasa yang digunakan yaitu:
     §  Fokus pada tokoh/benda umum.
     §  Menggunakan simple present (V1, is, am, are)

                Contoh report text

Cactus plants are desert plants. There are many kinds of cactus plants, but most grow in deserts and other dry places. These plants have adaptations, or special features, that let them live in places where there is little water.
Imagine only having to take one big drink of water two or three times a year. That’s all the water a cactus plant needs. The cactus is made up mostly of stems and roots. Most kinds of cactus have no leaves or leaves that are very small. The cactus is made for storing water, and water can escape through leaves.
The roots of a cactus spread out close to the surface of the ground. When it rains, the roots soak up as much water as possible. Cactus plants do not grow close to one another. Each plant needs lots of room to collect water. The stem of the cactus stores the water for later use.
     When spring rains fall on the desert, the cactus plants bloom. Beautiful yellow, red, orange, and white flowers appear on cactus plants. These flowers grow singly rather than in bunches.
     The cactus also produces fruit that is an important source of food for desert animals. People sometimes eat the saguaro fruit.
    Cactus plants are easy to take care of. You don’t have to water them very often! People like to grow them at home. This popularity isn’t so good for the cactus. People collect the plants from the desert to sell. 

                9.  What does the text tell us about?
                     A.    The dessert plants
                     B.     The roots of a cactus
                     C.     The cactus plants
                     D.    The fruit of cactus

               10. The word” soak up” in the text means …
                     A.    Water
                     B.     Absorb
                     C.     Plant
                     D.    Hold

               11. The fifth paragraph tells about…
                     A.    The fruit of cactus
                     B.     The food of cactus
                     C.     The dessert animals
                     D.    The important of  cactus

II. Short Functional Text

.                A. Letter (surat)
                      Contoh letter

Dear Aunty,

I have an eighteen-month-old male cat. He is a stray ( the lost one ) we allow into the house but he loves the outdoors. There is another big cat in the neighborhood who is rather fierce. My problem is after a fight with the big cat, my cat returns home with bleeding scars. Sometimes I‘d wake up in the middle of the night to rescue him from a fight. Please tell me how to end this problem. I don’t want to give him away.


                12. From the text we know that ...
                     A.    She needs some advise to solve her problem with the cat
                     B.     Julia’s aunt has a cat which is 18 months old
                     C.     Julia wants to share a problem with her aunt
                     D.    Julia’s aunt wants to listen to Julia’s problem

                13.  ‘...bleeding scars. The underlined word means ....
                     A.    the parts of the body
                     B.     the venous of te body
                     C.     the organs of the body
                     D.    marks on the body after an injury

                14. ‘...we allow into the house ‘
                      We’ in the sentence refers to ...
                      A.    the readers
                      B.     Julia and her aunt
                      C.     Julia and her cat
                      D.    Julia and the house members

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